function JCTitleSearch(arParams) { var _this = this; this.arParams = { 'AJAX_PAGE': arParams.AJAX_PAGE, 'CONTAINER_ID': arParams.CONTAINER_ID, 'INPUT_ID': arParams.INPUT_ID, 'MIN_QUERY_LEN': parseInt(arParams.MIN_QUERY_LEN) }; if(arParams.WAIT_IMAGE) this.arParams.WAIT_IMAGE = arParams.WAIT_IMAGE; if(arParams.MIN_QUERY_LEN <= 0) arParams.MIN_QUERY_LEN = 1; this.cache = []; this.cache_key = null; this.startText = ''; this.currentRow = -1; this.RESULT = null; this.CONTAINER = null; this.INPUT = null; this.WAIT = null; this.ShowResult = function(result) { var pos = BX.pos(_this.CONTAINER); pos.width = pos.right - pos.left; = 'absolute'; = (pos.bottom + 2) + 'px'; = pos.left + 'px'; = pos.width + 'px'; if(result != null) _this.RESULT.innerHTML = result; if(_this.RESULT.innerHTML.length > 0) = 'block'; else = 'none'; //ajust left column to be an outline var th; var tbl = BX.findChild(_this.RESULT, {'tag':'table','class':'title-search-result'}, true); if(tbl) th = BX.findChild(tbl, {'tag':'th'}, true); if(th) { var tbl_pos = BX.pos(tbl); tbl_pos.width = tbl_pos.right - tbl_pos.left; var th_pos = BX.pos(th); th_pos.width = th_pos.right - th_pos.left; = th_pos.width + 'px'; = (pos.width + th_pos.width) + 'px'; //Move table to left by width of the first column = (pos.left - th_pos.width - 1)+ 'px'; //Shrink table when it's too wide if((tbl_pos.width - th_pos.width) > pos.width) = (pos.width + th_pos.width -1) + 'px'; //Check if table is too wide and shrink result div to it's width tbl_pos = BX.pos(tbl); var res_pos = BX.pos(_this.RESULT); if(res_pos.right > tbl_pos.right) { = (tbl_pos.right - tbl_pos.left) + 'px'; } } var fade; if(tbl) fade = BX.findChild(_this.RESULT, {'class':'title-search-fader'}, true); if(fade && th) { res_pos = BX.pos(_this.RESULT); = (res_pos.right - res_pos.left - 18) + 'px'; = 18 + 'px'; = 0 + 'px'; = (res_pos.bottom - + 'px'; = 'block'; } } this.onKeyPress = function(keyCode) { var tbl = BX.findChild(_this.RESULT, {'tag':'table','class':'title-search-result'}, true); if(!tbl) return false; var cnt = tbl.rows.length; switch (keyCode) { case 27: // escape key - close search div = 'none'; _this.currentRow = -1; _this.UnSelectAll(); return true; case 40: // down key - navigate down on search results if( == 'none') = 'block'; var first = -1; for(var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { if(!BX.findChild(tbl.rows[i], {'class':'title-search-separator'}, true)) { if(first == -1) first = i; if(_this.currentRow < i) { _this.currentRow = i; break; } else if(tbl.rows[i].className == 'title-search-selected') { tbl.rows[i].className = ''; } } } if(i == cnt && _this.currentRow != i) _this.currentRow = first; tbl.rows[_this.currentRow].className = 'title-search-selected'; return true; case 38: // up key - navigate up on search results if( == 'none') = 'block'; var last = -1; for(var i = cnt-1; i >= 0; i--) { if(!BX.findChild(tbl.rows[i], {'class':'title-search-separator'}, true)) { if(last == -1) last = i; if(_this.currentRow > i) { _this.currentRow = i; break; } else if(tbl.rows[i].className == 'title-search-selected') { tbl.rows[i].className = ''; } } } if(i < 0 && _this.currentRow != i) _this.currentRow = last; tbl.rows[_this.currentRow].className = 'title-search-selected'; return true; case 13: // enter key - choose current search result if( == 'block') { for(var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { if(_this.currentRow == i) { if(!BX.findChild(tbl.rows[i], {'class':'title-search-separator'}, true)) { var a = BX.findChild(tbl.rows[i], {'tag':'a'}, true); if(a) { window.location = a.href; return true; } } } } } return false; } return false; } this.onTimeout = function() { if(_this.INPUT.value != _this.oldValue && _this.INPUT.value != _this.startText) { if(_this.INPUT.value.length >= _this.arParams.MIN_QUERY_LEN) { _this.oldValue = _this.INPUT.value; _this.cache_key = _this.arParams.INPUT_ID + '|' + _this.INPUT.value; if(_this.cache[_this.cache_key] == null) { if(_this.WAIT) { var pos = BX.pos(_this.INPUT); var height = (pos.bottom -; = ( + 'px'; = height + 'px'; = height + 'px'; = (pos.right - height + 2) + 'px'; = 'block'; } _this.arParams.AJAX_PAGE, { 'ajax_call':'y', 'INPUT_ID':_this.arParams.INPUT_ID, 'q':_this.INPUT.value }, function(result) { _this.cache[_this.cache_key] = result; _this.ShowResult(result); _this.currentRow = -1; _this.EnableMouseEvents(); if(_this.WAIT) = 'none'; setTimeout(_this.onTimeout, 500); } ); } else { _this.ShowResult(_this.cache[_this.cache_key]); _this.currentRow = -1; _this.EnableMouseEvents(); setTimeout(_this.onTimeout, 500); } } else { = 'none'; _this.currentRow = -1; _this.UnSelectAll(); setTimeout(_this.onTimeout, 500); } } else { setTimeout(_this.onTimeout, 500); } } this.UnSelectAll = function() { var tbl = BX.findChild(_this.RESULT, {'tag':'table','class':'title-search-result'}, true); if(tbl) { var cnt = tbl.rows.length; for(var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) tbl.rows[i].className = ''; } } this.EnableMouseEvents = function() { var tbl = BX.findChild(_this.RESULT, {'tag':'table','class':'title-search-result'}, true); if(tbl) { var cnt = tbl.rows.length; for(var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) if(!BX.findChild(tbl.rows[i], {'class':'title-search-separator'}, true)) { tbl.rows[i].id = 'row_' + i; tbl.rows[i].onmouseover = function (e) { if(_this.currentRow != { _this.UnSelectAll(); this.className = 'title-search-selected'; _this.currentRow =; } }; tbl.rows[i].onmouseout = function (e) { this.className = ''; _this.currentRow = -1; }; } } } this.onFocusLost = function(hide) { setTimeout(function(){ = 'none';}, 250); } this.onFocusGain = function() { if(_this.RESULT.innerHTML.length) _this.ShowResult(); } this.onKeyDown = function(e) { if(!e) e = window.event; if ( == 'block') { if(_this.onKeyPress(e.keyCode)) return BX.PreventDefault(e); } } this.Init = function() { this.CONTAINER = document.getElementById(this.arParams.CONTAINER_ID); this.RESULT = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("DIV")); this.RESULT.className = 'title-search-result'; this.INPUT = document.getElementById(this.arParams.INPUT_ID); this.startText = this.oldValue = this.INPUT.value; BX.bind(this.INPUT, 'focus', function() {_this.onFocusGain()}); BX.bind(this.INPUT, 'blur', function() {_this.onFocusLost()}); if(BX.browser.IsSafari() || BX.browser.IsIE()) this.INPUT.onkeydown = this.onKeyDown; else this.INPUT.onkeypress = this.onKeyDown; if(this.arParams.WAIT_IMAGE) { this.WAIT = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("DIV")); = "url('" + this.arParams.WAIT_IMAGE + "')"; if(!BX.browser.IsIE()) = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'absolute'; = '1100'; } setTimeout(this.onTimeout, 500); } BX.ready(function (){_this.Init(arParams)}); }